The Road to Better Credit
Learning how to manage your finances and credit can be overwhelming. Dive into our extensive education center and start finding out about building better credit, loans, mortgages, interest rates and so much more.
Disputes to the “Big 3” credit reporting agencies
Monthly disputes of inaccurate and unverifiable items to data furnishers, creditors, and collection agencies
File complaints on your behalf
24/7 access to client portal
Education on credit building process
Provide basic financial literacy principles
Recommend ways to rebuild positive credit
Access to discounted trade lines upon completion of credit restoration
Access to after-hours phone support
Money back guarantee if 0 deletions in 4 consecutive months
Base Luxe Package
Monthly includes:
Enrollment and Audit
Monthly disputes to the “Big 3” credit reporting agencies
Monthly disputes of inaccurate and unverifiable items to data furnishers, creditors, and collection agencies
File complaints on your behalf
24/7 access to client portal
Education on credit building process
Provide basic financial literacy principles
Recommend ways to rebuild positive credit
Money back guarantee if 0 deletions in 4 consecutive months
Premium Luxe Package
Monthly includes:
Enrollment and Audit
Monthly disputes to the “Big 3” credit reporting agencies
Monthly disputes of inaccurate and unverifiable items to data furnishers, creditors, and collection agencies
File complaints on your behalf
24/7 access to client portal
Education on credit building process
Provide basic financial literacy principles
Recommend ways to rebuild positive credit
Access to discounted trade lines upon completion of credit restoration
Access to after-hours phone support
Money back guarantee if 0 deletions in 4 consecutive months
Recession Ready Homebuyers Guide -Webinar
60 minutes webinar that includes
details on how to prepare your credit before purchasing a home
what to expect during the home buying process
first-time homebuyers checklist
free credit repair e-book
one on one credit consultation
budgeting and planning
Q&A with credit specialist & realtor
Choose your pricing plan
19$Â- Duration - 30 minutes